
vue access control is base on the package @lywzx/access.control for vue application access control.

Getting Started


# install
yarn add @lywzx/vue.access.control # or:npm install @lywzx/vue.access.control --save

When used with a module system, you must explicitly install VueAccessControl via Vue.use();

import VueAccessControl from '@lywzx/vue.access.control';
Vue.use(VueAccessControl, {});

You don't need to do this when using global script tags.

Dev Build

You will have to clone directly from GitHub and build vue.access.control yourself if you want to use the latest dev build.

git clone node_modules/@lywax/vue.access.control
cd node_modules/@lywax/vue.access.control
npm install
npm run build

use examples

after you correct install. you should new a AccessControl.

// src/access/index.js
import VueAccessControl, {
} from '@lywzx/vue.access.control';
import Vue from 'vue';

const access = new VueAccessControl();

export default access;

then you change root vue component.

// src/main.js
import access from './access/index';

new Vue({

in you component, $access variable you will visited.

check role or permission

<!-- check role -->
<div v-if="$access.hasRole('administrator')"></div>

<!-- check permission -->
<div v-if="$access.can('edit_post')"></div>

route middleware

if you has used vue-router, you may need router middleware for you application. When you use VueAccessControl, please enable useRouter.

Vue.use(VueAccessControl, {
    vueRouter: true

the code should below Vue.use(vueRouter)

add these code to you router

import VueRouter from 'vue-router';
import { afterEach, beforeEach } from '@lywzx/vue.access.control';


const Router = new VueRouter({
    // ...

// add code like this

if user must login when visit the page, you can do like this.

    name: 'user_index',
    path: 'user/index',
    meta: {
        middleware: ['login']

only administrator can access

    name: 'user_manage',
    path: 'admin/user',
    meta: {
        middleware: ['login', 'role:administrator']

Examples preview

base access

route middleware

Examples codes

base access

route middleware